وضعيت استخدامي ،
پزشک عمومی
جراحی عمومی
فوق تخصص
جراحی سرطان |
I am Dr. Seyed Mohammad Mehdi Ghaffari Hamadani, born in 1360 in Sari.
I completed all my preliminary education stages in Sari. In 1378, I began my general medicine studies at Tehran University, ranking 79th, and due to obtaining a top rank during my general medicine doctoral studies in 86, I immediately entered the specialization stage in general surgery at Sari University. In 1391, I completed the general and specialty courses in one of the remote villages of Neka, which has been an unforgettable part of my life. One noteworthy aspect of my higher education is that I did not have any quotas or privileges at any level, and I recommend to those starting this path to facilitate their journey relying on interest and perseverance.
In 1394, I specialized in cancer surgery, and in 95, with the grace of God, we launched the cancer surgery department at Imam Khomeini Hospital in Sari with the help of colleagues including Dr. Shafiezadeh, the former hospital chief. I have been managing that department since then. I am a member of the faculty at Mazandaran University of Medical Sciences, dedicating my entire life to the human and professional duty of fighting cancer, aiming for a future where awareness and health reach a level where no one becomes a victim of cancer anymore.

برای ارتباط با من می توانید از راه های ارتباطی زیر اقدام کنید.